Information About Your Sod & Grading

SOD installation is dependent on weather conditions and will be arranged as soon as circumstances permit. New sod requires immediate and continued watering until root growth has been established. It is the homeowner’s responsibility to provide water to new sod. Essentially it must be watered almost constantly for the first 24 to 48 hours. A notice is circulated prior to sodding outlining the homeowner’s responsibilities.

  • Boulevards adjacent to your property are the responsibility of the homeowner.
  • Homeowners are urged to make an application to the City for exemption to the watering bylaw permit. Exemption permits are available through Utilities Kingston.
  • There is no warranty on sod and/or landscaping.

It is the responsibility of the homeowner to maintain and water new sod. There is no warranty on sod and landscaping.

Lawn Care Information

How much water does my lawn need a week?

When first installed, your new lawn will require watering every day for the first 4 days and 3 times during the second week. Starting in the third week, reduce irrigation to 25 millimeters (mm) or 1-inch of water a week during the summer, including rain, to encourage deep, healthy rooting.

When should I begin mowing my new lawn?

Generally, newly sodded lawns need mowing after 6 or 7 days. Take special care on slopes; make sure the mower wheels do not disturb the new turfgrass; and keep the mower blades sharp.

How often should I mow my lawn?

Never remove more than 3 cm of the leaf height at once. Don’t let the grass grow so tall that it falls over, and remember to keep your mower blades sharp. Dull blades leave ragged brown tips.

Lawn Care Guidelines c/o Manderley Turf Products Inc.

Important tip: One litre of water in the first hour of installation does more than 6 litres 3 hours later.

When sod is first laid it should be watered generously for 3 days. During the first month we recommend that you minimize the use of sodded areas; especially drainage areas such as side swales to prevent ponding caused by footprints. After the initial 3 day “soaking period”, your lawn should be watered for about 2 hours a day in the early morning for approximately 1 week.

Please avoid over watering your lawn because saturation of sod can be just as deadly as lack of water. Your lawn should be cut initially 2-3 weeks after being laid, however, it should not be cut too short for the risk of burning.

Additional Tips

  • Water your lawn frequently.
  • Avoid watering in the hot sun.
  • It is best to water in the early morning. Watering during the day creates a shallow root system and makes the lawn susceptible to burning.
  • To gauge watering, place an empty can about 6ft away from the sprinkler. When there is an inch of water in the can, it is time to move the sprinkler.
  • Reflected heat along buildings dries sod quickly; be sure to water these areas more often.
  • If the temperature is above 25 degrees Celsius, the sod must be watered every day.
  • Avoid walking on freshly laid sod.
  • Avoid concentrated play activities, dog traffic or similar rough usage until 4 weeks have passed.
  • DO NOT fertilize fresh sod that has already been fertilized at the sod farms. It is best to wait until the following year.
  • The basic mowing rule is never remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade during a single mowing.
  • Set your mower at a cutting height of approx. 3.5”

It is the responsibility of each Homeowner to maintain the sod on their lot. These steps will assist you in developing a beautiful lawn.

In the City of Kingston, watering restrictions apply between June 15 and September 15. Further details are online at or Please ensure a watering exemption permit is in place.


Grading is designed to drain water away from the foundation and is part of the site grading plan for the subdivision. Swales and catch basins are designed to drain water away under normal rainfall. Water ponding during spring thaw conditions is normal.

The City controls the grading patterns and the builder must comply with the approved grading plan. Once a grading as built is issued, maintaining the finished grade becomes the responsibility of the homeowner.

We recommend you do not add fences, decks or pools or make alterations to your yard until a grading certificate is received from the City as this could interfere with our ability to make corrections.