If you require an appraisal, please complete and submit the following form. One of our staff will reply back to you within 1 business day. If you do not hear back from us, please contact us at [email protected] or (613) 542-8400. Lot Number Municipal Address * Purchaser's Name * Appraisal Company Appraiser Name * Appraiser Cell Number * Appraiser Email Address * Weekday Appointment Request * MoisfévMaravrmaijuinJuilAoû Mois Jour12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Jour Année2025 Année Preferred Time * Heure7 am8 am9 am10 am11 am12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm5 pm Heure :Minute0030 Minute Required Status of Completion * *Clarifying the minimum Status of Completion is required in order to avoid a circumstance where an appraisal appointment is booked prior to 95% completion on site when a minimum status is required. Please note that there is no permission needed to drive by the site and view the house from the street. Any status (including below 95%) Minimum status of 95% required Confirmation * By submitting this form, the Appraiser acknowledges: 1. That the seller is estimating the completeness of the suite based on their own criteria only. 2. That a '95% completion' at CaraCo means that this kitchen has been installed, while items such as cleaning, sod, and paving may be incomplete. 3. That the seller takes no responsibility for any costs associated with the appraisal, nor any costs for any required re-appraisal. 4. That the appraiser is responsible for determining if the lender requires a minimum percentage of completion prior to booking. 5. Should the requested appointment be prior to 95% complete, the attendee will be required to submit prior to confirmation of appointment: a. A liability waiver b. A copy of WSIB insurance c. Proof of liability and disability insurance 6. Should the requested appointment be prior to Occupancy Permit, the attendee will be required to bring to the appointment: a. A hard hat b. Safety boots I agree to the conditions stated above. Soumettre