
Your CaraCo’s Customer Service Department is pleased to assist you with all your warranty concerns during regular business hours, Monday through Friday. During these times, a CaraCo representative will respond within two business days. Our intention will be to have the original contractor correct the problem.

However, some problems that can arise outside of these hours will be considered “emergencies” and may require more immediate assistance. Please refer to our Emergency Phone Numbers page if you experience any of the following outside of business hours:

  • Complete loss of heat during winter months
  • Complete loss of electricity
  • Complete loss of water or sewer blockage
  • Water penetration into the home
  • Plumbing Leaks
  • Safety hazard related to major grading issue

IMPORTANT:  For fire, gas leaks, and carbon monoxide leaks contact your local Fire Department or 911.
Any item not mentioned above is not considered an emergency. The Customer Service Department will be happy to serve you during regular business hours from Mondays to Friday. Please email us or call us at 613-542-8400 ext. 0. The Voicemail at this number will be checked the following business day.

Warranty Coverage

Your new CaraCo home is protected by the Ontario New Home Warranty Plan Act, overseen by Tarion Warranty Corporation.  This means that your new home has been built by a registered and licensed builder. Through the Licensed Builder Directory you are able to see how many homes we've built, and review our After Sales Service Record with Tarion.

The warranty protection lasts for seven years from the time your new home is completed and ready for possession, including deposit protection and delayed closing compensation. To keep things simple it is described as one warranty but, in reality, three separate warranties offer different types of coverage at different points in the life cycle of a home.  These are the one, two and seven year warranties.

Access to your home must be arranged between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm on weekdays. We will attempt to schedule multiple service and sub-trades to work in your home on the same date, however some items may require several visits on separate dates in order to complete repairs. Seasonal repairs require suitable weather conditions and generally do not need access into your home.

CaraCo reserves the right to only accept reported deficiencies submitted in the format provided by Tarion Warranty Corporation. All non-emergency items must be submitted in writing on the proper warranty forms provided below:

One Year Initial Form

Use the One-Year Initial Form to notify CaraCo and Tarion of outstanding warranty items beginning on the first day after your date of possession. This form will be automatically submitted on day 41. While you can notify your builder anytime regarding warranted items, this is your first opportunity to notify Tarion of any outstanding warranty items you may discover after moving in. Please note that you can add any items not included on your Initial Form to your Mid-Year Form.

A downloadable copy of this form can be found here.

One Year Mid-Year Form

Use the Mid-Year Form to notify CaraCo and Tarion of outstanding warranty items beginning on the 42nd day after your date of possession. This form will be automatically submitted on day 183. This is your second opportunity to report warranty items to Tarion. Your next opportunity to report items to Tarion is using the Year-End Form.

A downloadable copy of this form can be found here.

Non-Emergency Service Prior to One Year

Use the Non-Emergency Prior to One Year Form to notify CaraCo outstanding warranty items after the first 30 days of possession of your new home up to one year. We recommend that you consolidate your list as much as possible so we can schedule any work in your home by multiple service and sub-trades on the same date and mitigate inconvenience to your household.

Fill out our form.

One Year Warranty

Use the Year-End Form to notify CaraCo and Tarion of outstanding warranty items during the last 30 days of the first year of possession of your new home (with the submission deadline being the anniversary of your home's date of possession).

A downloadable copy of this form can be found here.

Two Year Warranty

  • Protects against water penetration through the basement or foundation walls
  • Protects against defects in materials that affect windows, doors and caulking and defects in work that results in water penetration into the building envelope
  • Covers defects in work or materials in the electrical, plumbing and heating delivery and distribution systems
  • Covers defects in work or materials that result in the detachment, displacement or deterioration of exterior cladding (such as brickwork, aluminum or vinyl siding)
  • Protects against violations of the Ontario Building Code that affect health and safety

In your second year of possession you may submit a Second-Year Form any time for items covered under the Two-Year or Major Structural Defect Warranty. More than one Second-Year Form may be submitted.

A downloadable copy of this form can be found here.

7 Year Warranty

After the second year of possession only major structural defects (MSD) issues will be considered.  You can make an MSD claim using the Seven-Year Warranty form any time before the end of your seventh year of possession.
For additional information on these warranties visit www.tarion.com.

A downloadable copy of this form can be found here.
